2023-2024 SCVAA Basketball Commission

The Basketball Commission meets each month to coordinate the operations of the League.

Responsibilities include: preparing budget, ordering equipment and supplies, arranging registration and team selection, assignment and coordination of volunteer coaches and referees, etc.

The current Basketball Commission consists of:

Name Position Email phone
Eugene Romano Commissioner basketball@scvaa.org
Chad Hallaway Co-Commissioner vaabasketballcommissioner@gmail.com
Volunteer Needed Equipment Coordinator
Heather Cavallaro K/1 Division Coordinator  smalarz@hotmail.com
Volunteer Needed 2nd Grade Divisions Coordinator
Terri Gulbransen 3rd/4th Grade Divisions Coordinator tjgulb@gmail.com

Heidi Bergstedt

5th/6th Grade Divisions Coordinator heidibergstedt@hotmail.com
Jenny Romano 7th-12th Grade Division Coordinator jenromano82@gmail.com