SCVAA Basketball Schedule Page
Visit the SCVAA Online Schedules Page for all 3rd - 8th Grade Game Schedules
Visit the WBL Community Ed Website to view all 9th-12th Grade Game Schedules
2nd Grade Schedules
All 2nd Grade Final games will be on Sat. Feb. 15th at Brookview Elementary School Gymnasium.
Medals will be distributed to all players on Sat. Feb. 15th., 2025.
Practice Schedule Abbreviations
The practice schedule abbreviations are:
AL, AL-A or AL-B = Afton Lakeland Elementary School Gymnasium
And, And-A or And-B = Andersen Elementary School Gymnasium
LE, LE-A or LE-B = Lake Elmo Elementary School Gymnasium
LL, LL-A or LL-B = Lily Lake Elementary School Gymnasium
RUTH-1 or RUTH-2-3 = Rutherford Elementary School Gymnasium
SB, SB-A or SB-B = Stonebridge Elementary School Gymnasium
K/1 Schedules (Saturdays Jan. 11th.-Feb. 15th., 2025)
Location and times-TBD
All Kindergarten and 1st Grade Girls will be from TBD
All Kindergarten Grade Boys will be from TBD
All 1st Grade Boys will be from TBD
Click Here to view the 2023-24 K/1 Station Schedules
Medals will be distributed to all players on Feb. 15th.
Basketball Team and Individual Photos
Photos will be taken on Saturday, Jan. 18th, 2025 at Rutherford Elementary School Cafeteria.
Schedule -TBD
For all photo questions or to change your team's photo time, please contact Josh Hunt at Sportsstar Photography at: